Saturday, March 29, 2014

We have a new niece!!!

Welcome Avery Mae Taylor!! We can't wait to meet you!! This is my sister Breanne's third child and first girl!!

Hen at Work

Just had to post this handsome picture of Henry at work in Wendover! It is definitely one of my favorites!

Sweet seats and an exciting date night!

Saturday, March 22, Hen and I were gifted Jazz tickets from the CEO of my company that included a pregame dinner and halftime treats. The seats were great and we had a blast! The game was won in the last second of the game!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Happy Birthday

Happy 4th Birthday Lily!!! Even though we got Lily from a rescue, luckily she was already micro chipped which showed her birthday to be March 24, 2010.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Kidney Stones?

 Poor Hen called me in tears the morning of Wednesday, March 12th from Wendover. I honestly thought someone had passed away. But it was from pain not grief. So he somehow drove an hour from Wendover, and our roommate Val jumped in the car with me to meet him half way so that I could take him to the hospital. He was in pain for a really long time. Even when we got to the hospital he had to wait even longer for pain meds. They did a cat scan and sure enough he had a 2 mm kidney stone. He was not a happy camper, but luckily I believe he passed the stone mostly that weekend that he stayed home.