Monday, December 12, 2016

My nephew Chase's Baptism


The additional reason it was a miracle I got to sit next to my Dad, was I had a horrific cold and was coughing and blowing my nose the whole flight. My Dad was way more forgiving than any other passenger would have been.

Chase’s Baptism Talk 

Hello everyone, I am Chase’s Aunt Kara from Salt Lake City and I feel so blessed that I get to be here for Chase’s special day. I remember when I was eight years old and also had the opportunity to be baptized by my dad. It was a special day that I will always remember.


I remember feeling so much joy and warmth in my heart.

I remember feeling so much love from my family and my heavenly father. It was almost like I was wrapped in a giant hug all day.


Chase, I was wondering what did it feel like for you when you were just baptized?


I know that you will always want to remember this day so I have a journal here for you so that you can write down all of your thoughts and feelings so that you will always have it to remember how wonderful it was to follow in our Saviors footsteps and be baptized.


Ok, now I have a riddle for everyone. When you think you know who it is you can quietly put both hands on your head. And if anyone guesses please don’t yell out the answer.


·         I am a personage of spirit without flesh or bones

·         I can be felt by all, but can only become a constant companion to those who have been baptized and confirmed by the holy melchezidek priesthood.

·         I am the third member of the Godhead.

·         I have been called many names because I have many responsibilities. Some of those names are the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, or the Comforter.

·         I do not yell and have been known to speak in a still small voice.

·         I speak most often to your heart and mind, but if the need arises you may hear me in your ears.

·         I work closely with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help you live righteously and receive the blessings of the gospel.


That’s right, it is the Holy Ghost.


By raise of hands can anyone see the wind? Not what it can do to the leaves or the sand, but actually see it?


If we can’t see wind, how do we know it is real? That’s right, because we can feel it.


So if the Holy Ghost doesn’t have a physical body like you and me, how do we know he is real? That’s right because we can feel him.


What does the Holy Ghost feel like? Does anyone want to share?


For me, it is a calming peaceful feeling like everything will be alright. Or like that giant Hug I talked about earlier. I know that was the Holy Ghost helping me to feel the love of our Heavenly Father the day of my baptism and I have felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost whenever I have been making good choices and needed help.


Does anyone know some of the things the Holy Ghost can do for us?

Comforts, guides, protects, helps us to know what is true, and what is right and wrong.


So how do we know all of these things about the Holy Ghost if no one has ever actually seen him?


I will give you a hint… it is something that is from long ago, but that we can read any time that we want.


Yes, the scriptures teach us about the Holy Ghost.


Chase will you read a scripture for me?


Moroni 10:5

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.


So the Holy Ghost will guide to know right from wrong. And if we know right from wrong, we can know how to make righteous choices, and if we make righteous choices we can return to live with our father in Heaven after this life.


Are we always going to make right choices? No, because we aren’t perfect, that is why we came to this earth to learn and become more like our Savior. That is why we have the sacrament. The sacrament gives us the opportunity to repent of our mistakes and we can be made clean again just like you were today Chase.


I just want to leave you with my testimony

Chase, I want you to look around the room and know that everyone person in here loves you more than you will ever know. Thank you for letting us be apart of your special day.


 You are so smart and I know that you will be a great example to all around you as you continue to Choose the Right and lean on our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ through prayer. I know with all my heart that they are so proud of you and because of that love you are about to receive the most beautiful gift we can receive in this life. The Gift of the Holy Ghost.


In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.




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