Thursday, January 17, 2008

Avon CT-the Rest of the trip

Day 2- Luckily the night before I had received my luggage, so I did have clothes to wear. for this trip. I was staying in this quaint little hotel called the Avon Old Farms Hotel. I would recommend it to anyone who happens to need a place to stay in Avon, very cozy. So anyway, it is Friday and after meeting Grandma and Grandpa Becker, Henry decides to take me to my old houses in Summit, NJ with a short detour to New York City, where I got a real taste of Henry's driving......We stopped at FAO Shwartz and just had a blast. Next we were on the highway to Summit where we drove through my old neighborhoods, houses, and school. We stopped for dinner at Benihanas where of course I had to call and rub it in to my parents that I was there.

Day 3- Henry took me to see the Producers off Broadway in Hartford at this fabulous theatre. We had a great time. Later that evening we picked up Henry's fabulous cousin Christian and they took me to La Trot, where we were serenaded by violin.

Day 4- This was Sunday and I went with Henry to his ward. Now one problem was that the night before I had gotten sick with the flu. After Henry had gone home to Grandmas, I had called him up (now this was a test of love) at 3 in the morning needing cough medicine. So of course he comes over to the hotel with half the pharmacy. I take some Nyquil and zonk out. Now my next problem is that Henry's ward is at 9 a.m. and now remember I didn't take the Nyquil until about 3:30 a.m. so I have to fight to stay awake in sacrament meeting. Then to sunday school where people kept saying things like "so you are from the mother ship, I hear" which I guessed was some joke about Salt Lake. Everyone was really nice and knew Henry well. After that we had a fabulous brunch at my hotel, I would also recommend this. Then that night we went over to Grandma and Grandpas where I got to meet Aunt Cindy, Uncle Tom, Tait, Christian, and Henry's Dad. It was definitely an experience I will never forget :) After that it was over to Henry's Dad's house to meet Liz and Henry's adorable sister Emma. Let's just say by the end of the day, I was SHOT!

The next day I had to board the plane and go back the same way I had come. With misty eyes we kissed each other goodbye.

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