Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Afternoon Brothers and Sisters....

So, I must share this story because it's about time that Henry have an embarrassing moment, since I am always the one in the spotlight!!! Last Sunday Henry and I had to speak in Sacrament meeting. Henry insisted that he get to speak first. Then he decided to torment me before Sacrament meeting and while we were sitting on the stand because I am terrified of public speaking. As Henry jumped out of his seat to give his talk, his back pocket containing his wallet caused a large rip a good 3-4 inches in length in the butt of his pants. The best part is, he had no idea that it happened. So along with the bishopric and the other two girl speakers, I had no choice but to chuckle looking at the ripped pants for the entirety of his talk. After he gave his talk, I was up next so I didn't even get a chance to tell him until after I finished speaking! Maybe next time he will learn not to tease me about speaking in public!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! How did you keep from laughing DURING your talk?!
