Saturday, May 4, 2019

Never Say Never-Adoption Day

Advice of the day, never say never.. as in “I don’t think we will ever have three dogs again...”
Meet Oscar-the newest member of our family as of yesterday afternoon, a 5 yo bloodhound. Lily and Charlie have even accepted him into their pack already. Guess it was meant to be.

So the story is this. Hen and I were going to meet a dog at a shelter in west valley on friday with Lily and Charlie. And when I arrived there they told me the dog we were going to meet, didn't get along with other dogs so we high tailed it out of there, wasn't worth the chance. So then Saturday morning comes along and I was looking on KSL and saw this mug. Hen and I had talked about getting a bloodhound before, and I saw that face and I was like, I have got to meet this guy. He was living with his owner in Elmo, Utah which is east of Manti somewhere. She was coming up to some reptile expo at the fairgrounds and said she was bring him with her. Story was she had like 10 dogs she was trying to get rid of so she could move to Texas. When he came to the house he stunk to high heaven and you could every rib. He clearly needed some TLC. Mind you at this point in time, Henry had no idea I had found a dog, had him delivered and had basically adopted him. When Hen was leaving work, I texted him a picture. I said there is someone here that you need to meet. He was like, you are kidding me... Needless to say the house stunk all weekend, even after we tried to give him a house down. The first night was hard because he had slipped somewhere on the hardwood in the hallway and then was scared to walk over that spot. So he sat in the kitchen crying. I would try to help him to our room and he just fought and fought me, so I went to bed. Finally after about 20 min we hear this rabbit scrabbling in the hallway and in walks Oscar. He was scared of that hallway for a few days then finally got over it. After a few days of having him we took him to the vet to get fixed and found out he had a hernia, and needed a deep teeth cleaning. So the poor guy was torn apart and probably thought we were torturing him. And to top it off his sutures opened up and he oozed blood for 3 days all of the house, which was super fund. As the days passed him and Charlie became closer and closer. They are now best buds, like they knew each other in a prior life. Oscar has definitely been our hardest rescue to date to assimilate because of his marking in the house. And the fact that he didn't even know any basic dog commands. He is doing so much better. He has moved from chewing our shoes to chewing socks, which are alot cheaper to replace. He hardly marks in the house anymore. He has much better manners at meal time. Now he sits and waits for you to tell him it is ok to eat. And he is better about coming when called. Oh and now he actually lets me watch tv. For a while he would bark non stop at the tv when I would try to watch it. He has also graduated to free roaming the house when we are at work, which is huge! And Lily really appreciates that so that she can lay in her bed all day if she wants.

Now the crazy part is the first 3 weeks we had oscar, he never barked, never made a peep. But then he somehow found his voice when he realized he would be staying a while, and is now running out barking at any hint of a person or a dog to tell them about his life story. So we try best we can to bring him inside when it gets to be too much. But those silky ears are the greatest things in the world and his temperament is really so sweet. We are definitely going to keep him!

Picture posted of him on KSL, how could you not want him!

These pictures were taken the first day we had him.

Post surgery

Hen bought the boys a toy that they shredded in no time, don't worry it's not poop, just stuffing.

Because we didn't feel like we had given the vet enough money this week, Charlie decided to have an ear infection, this is him and hen coming back from the vet in the puptaxi.

Poor conehead days! So glad we only had to live through this once!

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