Saturday, December 19, 2020

Missing Nana and Papa

Looking through some old photos this morning and came across this
handsome couple. These wonderful people are known to me as my Nana and Papa.
They are my Dad's parents. Although they have been gone for many years now, I
still feel them near at different times in my life. I so miss them. They
supported me from the day I was born and were always there for the significant
events in my life. I am grateful for all the wonderful memories I have of them.
My Nana was always so kind and served us in so many ways. She would even stop
what she was doing to play a card game with me. My Papa called me his Karebear
and I can remember his singing or humming as he went about his day. We would
also spend many hours on the patio, "Looking at the Beautiful". If any
of you still have grandparents around, give them a ring, or go see them if you
can. Time is more precious than we realize.

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