Sunday, June 13, 2021

My Testimony, Inspirations, and Personal Revelations

 Courage and Bravery...

These are scary words, because it means leaving your comfort zone. To me, I am going to try to be brave today and have the courage to share a new blog I have started that includes my testimony, inspirations, experiences, and personal revelations.  

When I thought about this blog originally it was going to be password protected and only shared with a few because of the sensitive personal nature of thoughts and feelings that I would be sharing. But as I wrote the first 4 posts, I decided, why bury these experiences under a bushel, what good will that do? I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it has brought more joy and peace to my life than anything else, why would I want to just keep that to myself?

I have never kept a personal journal, but am hoping this blog can be a bit of that as I share my new experiences of working a weekly shift in the temple and other things that inspire me on a daily basis of a spiritual nature.

I say bravery and courage, because when you wear your heart on your sleeve like this you are opening yourself up to a lot of scrutiny, criticism, and judgement. Please know I do not think I am perfect. My flaws are on lists miles long. Like you in this mortal existence, I am striving to change for the better, one teeny tiny baby step at a time. As a temple worker, I know I will be held to a higher standard, but I also pray you will understand that I am human too and am going to make mistakes daily. Rome wasn't built in a day and our Savior doesn't expect perfection from any of us overnight. He just asks that we strive for improvement. 

I hope this blog will in someway inspire you, comfort you, or bring a smile in the days to come. 

Also- the posts are in chronological order, so if you click on the link you will be starting the 4th post in, so you may want to scroll to the bottom to start from the beginning.



This list will also live on the right hand menu bar of this blog.

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